Are Coloring Books Killing Creativity?

Being Creative with Art Is Important for All Ages

 Coloring Books Might Not Spark Creativity But Doodling Does

Hold on, before you grab your favorite crayons and dive into that sparkly unicorn coloring book, let's talk creativity! Remember that awesome feeling when you draw something totally unique, or come up with a story nobody else has ever heard? That's creativity, and it's a superpower everyone has!

But sometimes, things like coloring books with their pre-drawn lines and pictures can feel like putting creativity in a cage. Why? Because they don't leave much room for you to imagine, explore, and express yourself in your own way. It's like following someone else's map instead of drawing your own adventurous path! 

Think of it like this: when you color in a pre-drawn picture, you're basically filling in the blanks. There's not much room for you to decide what colors to use, what the character is feeling, or even where the story goes. It's like playing a game with the ending already set. Not as fun, right?

Creativity is all about breaking the rules and creating something totally new! Exploring your creativity and imagination through art and self expression builds fearlessness. It's about seeing the world in your own unique way and letting your ideas run wild.

That's why doodling is such a creativity booster! Doodling is like giving your imagination permission to go crazy! You can draw whatever pops into your head, squiggles, shapes, silly faces, even a whole galaxy of stars! There are no wrong answers, just endless possibilities.

Obviously you can doodle or draw on blank pages but that can be intimidating to some people, so we provide that jump off point with the convenience of our doodle books to kickstart your creativity.

  Our Doodle in a Watercolor Daydream doodle books are a valuable tool for young and old to express creativity. We offer a unique way to encourage imagination along with reading, dancing, singing and building blanket forts. We all need to understand that simply being creative has deep-seated value, even if the final product isn't a masterpiece but a doodle.

So do not focus on creating something beautiful or even permanent. Erase. Start over. You may be surprised where your imagination takes you when you give it permission.

 Creativity isn't just for artists or musicians. It's for everyone! Being creative helps you solve problems in new ways, think outside the box, and even makes learning more fun. So, the next time you feel like getting creative, ditch the coloring book and grab a Doodle in a Daydream doodle book! Let your imagination be your guide. Open your mind and see what amazing things you can create. ✨

Here are some tips for unleashing your inner creative genius:

Remember, creativity is a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it. So, go forth and doodle, draw, paint, sing, dance, and create! The world needs your unique spark of imagination! ✨

We Provide the Color, You Provide the Lines !

So Don't Stay IN the Lines! Create Your OWN Lines!

Let's keep the creativity alive, not caged in a coloring book!

Be Creative Today!

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